Friday, April 29, 2011

Jim Brady's Best Mac & Cheese

Hi: This is a variation of my mother's Mac & Cheese that she cooked for a family of 10 for many years. The basics are Nan's with a little tweak from me with love.

1 lb elbow or ziti pasta cooked medium in salted water

4tablespoons butter
4tablespoons flour
6 cups of milk
1 can of chedder cheese soup
8oz. of vermont chedder
8oz. of cream cheese
1 cup if diced tomatoes
dash of salt, pepper, onion powder

16oz. sharp chedder cheese cut in strips

In a large pan heat the butter to melt and whisk in the flour until mixed throughly. Add the milk and heat  while adding the rest of the ingredients stirring each in seperately. Leave the cream cheese till last. Bring the temp up to just below simmer. Do not boil the sauce as it will burn.

Pour the sauce over the drained pasta in a large baking pan with high sides to just below the top. Layer the top with strips of chedder cheese covering completely. Sprinkle with parmesian cheese. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until the top starts to brown.  Remove from oven and let sit for 10 minutes.

Hope you enjoy this family favorite of the Brady's

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