Monday, April 25, 2011

How To Handle The Stress Of Selling Your Home

Ok, So You Read All The Online Tips On Selling Your Home, Watched an untold number of real estate shows, followed your realtor's advice to get ready, exhausted yourself over a couple of months getting ready, and your home did not sell quickly like you had hoped.  Now What?

The main thing you can do is stay positive. Someone is going to buy your home. You may not get what you had hoped but someone will buy it,  believe this.  You just need the right buyer. One that will appreciate what you are offering and will enjoy living there as much as you have.

Look at the bright side. Your home now shines, is cleaner and decluttered more than all the time you have lived there, you have fixed all the little things that you have lived with for years, and it looks like a magazine home. Enjoy it. Once it has been cleaned throughly all it takes is a quick pickup and dust mopping to show at a half hours notice.

You get to go out more now during the showings for those little dinners and can go  to the dog park with your pet more often.  You really appreciate those morning and evenings on the patio now that they are numbered and will miss some of the nicer things your home offered.

When you get down think of the new path you are about to enter on your new life and how exciting it will be. New people, things, and places to explore. Nothing is more fun than exploring a new area. It is like a vacation that goes on for a long time. Me, I think of the look on my wife's face when we were down in our new area and we got blasted by a cool wind coming off the water. It was pure joy and will carry me through any hard times that might pop up during our sale.

A good Attitude and Focus will carry you through. Do Not get down on yourself or your home.

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